White Sage and Its Rituals. Te Ruanuku Ma me tana Tikanga Pure.

Tonight I did some Rangahau / Research about White Sage rituals.

You see one of my Bffs gave me a White Sage plant. It was doing awesome until, I didn't realise its container it was sitting in, had not drained of water, and the plant seemed as though it was wiltered and not very happy.  So I saved it from drowning, gave it some awhi and today, I picked some of the leaves off it, with the intentions of using them to do a smudging / cleansing.

Then I realise, far I don't even know what I'm up to, so I do a quick google search, find a Paua shell to hold the leaves in for now, and pick up some mint leaves as well... give them both a Paua shell and sit them beside some Amethyst and Rose Quartz to let them soak in some Crystal energies.

 Then some more Rangahau....

And what I find out is simple... and Consists of the following Steps to Cleansing-ness / Murua o Matou Hara .....

Amethyst Energising the White Sage

1.  Ka ara kia / Set the intentions
     Insure they are positive, clear, and will set only goodness in your pathways to achieving what you intend.

2.  Kaa Hihiko / Burn the herbs & Visualise
      While herbs are burning visualise, or say out loud your intentions.

3.  Kaa toha toha te ihi ihi / Spread the vibes
     Using a feather, crystal wand or your hand spread the smoke around the area you are cleansing. 

Rose Quartz Energising the Mint

4.  Kaa mihi ki nga Atua / Acknowledge the Gods
    Acknowledge the Atua / Deities / Gods you bring into this space.  Ask and Trust that they will assist you with your intentions.

5.  Kaa ara ki a ngakau pai / Remain Calm & Positive
     Spend time feeling positive, calm, relaxed and present

6.  Kaa mihi Kaa mutu / Give Thanks & Close Off
     When you feel you have done enough of the clearing or you sense the ending of your ritual ... Give Thanks and Close off... put the fire out in the shell.

Things to take notice of while cleansing.

You may see the smoke has different thicknesses, or colours... work with these until you see a change.  This is part of the clearing processes.  The reading.  

Go with what you're feeling and enjoy the messages you may be receiving.  

You will filter those that are important to you, or the place or person you are working with and you will convey these messages as is appropriate.  

Always show your gratitude and trust that the Universe will provide.  

And most importantly Give with Love & Light. 
