Te Maramataka - The Maori Calendar

As I was growing up my Papa & my Dad both referred to the 'Maori Calendar' everyday.  They would look at it, and plan their day accordingly especially if they were going fishing, or spending the day in the maara kai / vege garden.  I'd look up at the calendar which sat next to the 'Pakeha Calendar' and try to decipher what they were looking at.  I kind of understood it, I kind of didn't, I kind of wasn't interested, but I kind of cared too.

Many moons later the Maramataka began to reappear in my life, presenting itself to me so that I would ignite the awareness once again.  Knowing that it is true to 'be aware' 'take action' and 'acknowledge' the fruits of the energy that has been bestowed upon me during the month, over the last few years, I have been committing time to this awareness and navigating my life around it.

So as it is the beginning of the Gregorian New Year my intentions are relating back to this kaupapa.

Starting this blog, so I can journal these interesting things, and the experiences I have with them is the first step... its the next step from the pin :D LOL ;)

So - anei wetahi o nga mea kia u ki te kaupapa nei... a link to my Moonstuff Pinterest Board... 

And I am working on the whole understanding of the movement of the planets and alignments of the zodiac in correlation with the Moon so maybe a Maramataka / Zodiac / Energy motional Calendar will be due at 'Mataariki' time.

Heoi ano . . . . He whakaaro noa iho pea....

With Love & Light 
